Time Goes By So Fast


Today I  found a picture in my phone that my daughter took of my son that made me realized just how grown my baby has become. He’s 13 years old and will be a freshman in High School this September. HIGH SCHOOL! I know its only January but I’m already freaking out! My son was diagnosed with Autism when he was 5 years old and finding him the best school has always been an issue for us. I’m deep in the search of finding him a High School that can challenge him academically while providing him with the related services and support he needs. Living in New York City, we surrounded by so many choices in schools but at times it can be overwhelming.  I’ll be out on school tours and applying to as much schools possible.  My husband and I are anxious for our boy but at the same time we have to be confident in that he’ll be ok.  For the parents reading this, you already know how hard this job is.  When they’re newborns, it’s easy to think they’ll fit in your arms forever.  But time can be cruel and smack you in the face. My son is 13 and my daughter is 10. I  want to be selfish; I want keep them in my arms forever. But I can’t. I  have to let go a little and have faith in them.  My son will be ok. He’s going to High School and I’m excited about this new chapter in his life.

Have any of you been down this road before? If so, please comment with some advice. I’m all open!

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Coat (Sold Out) Similar:TopShop // Similar:Nordstrom // Booties ASOS // Similar:Steve Madden //Clutch Similar:ClareV

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Foggy Fall


Today I went for a walk at our neighborhood park when we came across this beautiful fog.  It was an amazing opportunity to take some pictures.  It’s getting chilly here in NYC and I love wearing this J.CREW coat for this time of year.  It’s not

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Leather Jacket Must!


I have been wearing the same leather jacket for over ten years, until NOW! I fell in love with this jacket as soon as I saw it. Everyone owns a motorcycle jacket of some sort so it’s hard to tell them all apart. What makes this one so different? It’s not leather! It’s vegan. Vegan leather is a leather substitute fabric that contains no animal products.

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Spring fever has kicked in and I’m loving Spring fashion this year.  The weather in NYC is perfect, where is not too hot and its not too cold.  I took advantage of this with this playful skirt from Zara where it’s also a pair of shorts. SKORTS.  

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Summer Sneakers

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Looking for the perfect summer white sneaker? Well, look no more! I’ve done the research for you and I’ve chosen the best sneaker selection that you need in your life this summer. First, let me start by saying that if I had it my way, I would wear sneakers everyday with every outfit for every occasion!

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Jeweled Bugs


Spring is in the air in NYC and its the perfect time to show some transitional outfits.  It’s still sweater season but we can choose a lighter knit and opt for some open shoes as opposed to a pair of boots.  For todays outfit, I fell in love with this jeweled sweater from Banana Republic.  The jeweled bugs are in beautiful shades of blue, green, and white.  This short sleeve sweater

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Love It or Hate It


I’m having a love/hate relationship with this belted top. The colors and pattern of this fabric is what I gravitated towards. I really like the color combination with the green and pink intermixed together. I also love the silluette of the top. It’s flattering and I’ve love peplum style tops. This versatile top allows

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Chunky Scarf


This week I went shopping in my own closet and discovered a scarf I purchased around 15 years ago.  I love buying classic key pieces that are timeless and can fall into any trend season after season. Paired with a vintage

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Winter Escape

RetouchPRbiggieThis month I went on  a winter getaway to San Juan, Puerto Rico.  This was my first time on the island but instead of jamming in every excursion and the “must see” activities into my trip, I decided to lay low and soak up the sun most of the time.  I stayed at the

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